WarpUp (31/72)

Date:07 Apr 00 at 15:13:02
Subject:Re: Survey on OS for M@tabox Boards

On 7 Apr 2000, Steffen Haeuser wrote:

> http://elwoodb.free.fr/Amijoe/OSpoll
> There is a survey which OS the Amijoe Boards should use (choice is
> AmigaOS using WarpUP, AROS, QNX, Linux, BeOS)
> According to Czech Amiga News M@tabox is monitoring this Survey.

How many do they have to sell to make it profitable?
I don't really know _anyone_ that want to buy yet another addon CPU card
for their Amiga. Not to be negative, but most of my friends which still
use their Amiga have either started to use a PC besides as HW for them are
a whole lot cheaper or they have (like me) already bought a PPC card and
are not interested in buying a new CPU card.

Personally I must say I'd like to hear what kind of research they have
done and what the results where coz I would think they had to do
_somekind_ of checking the market before they announced their upcoming

I'd probarly buy a new PPC based Amiga if it had new technology and not
3/4 legacy system like now, but like some people have already pointed out,
PC hardware is really cheap (atleast compared to Amiga hardware). I got a
dual Intel Celeron 500MHz w/Mainboard, LS120 drive and a huge ATX cabinet
for a lot less than I paid for my CSPPC w/040-40 and 604e-233... Afterall
price does matter.

I'd really like to see a _NEW_ machine released, not just 'hacks' to add
to a old one. The first thing should probarly be to have the OS run PPC
native and to use standardized hardware. Afterall it takes a lot less time
to write just a driver than to make the hardware write the driver and then
push it to the market before its yesterdays technology.

The hardware design of the Amiga was an important enabling factor when it
was first released, but after that standardization of PC hardware and a
big market for PC-hw made them cheap because you kept costs down by
producing in great numbers, thus the enabling factor became a constraining

If anyone has a dual PPC running AOS native, let me know ;)


Thomas Hansen, Department of Informatics, University of Oslo, Norway
PGP Public key is available using finger (ex. finger thoh@ifi.uio.no)
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On UNIX, I am limited only by my knowledge."
-- Peter J. Schoenster